As Food Service & Hospitality Directors we are always looking for recipes, ideas and resources. With the internet resources are just a click away. Google is now our best friend & resource. Google some resources listed below for great recipes and other great ideas.
Here are a few for you to look into:
- Food Management: http://food-management.com/taxonomy/term/6632/more
- All Recipes: http://allrecipes.com/
- Big Oven: http://www.bigoven.com/
- Ellen’s Kitchen: http://www.ellenskitchen.com/
- My Plate Method: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/
- Recipes for a crowd: http://www.foodnetwork.com/topics/for-a-crowd.html
- Food Network: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes.html
- Church Potluck dishes: http://www.pinterest.com/erecipecards/52-church-potluck-dishes/
- Southern Living church recipes: http://www.southernliving.com/food/entertaining/church-supper-recipes
- The Church Potluck recipe & Blog: http://churchpotluck.blogspot.com/
- Dessert ideas: http://www.pinterest.com/111mollykate/desserts-for-church-functions-family-functions-par/
- Leadership Styles of Foodservice Managers: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15428052.2011.602300
- Books By Christian Chefs:
- 1. Cooking with His Love, by Chef Julio Rubio
- 2. Ten Talents Cookbook & Better Choices Cookbook, by Rosalie & Frank Hurd
- 3. From the Land of Milk and Honey, by Jennifer Cote
- 4. Flash of Silver, by Chef Graham Kerr
- 5. Cooking in the Deep-South, by Chef and GACHP member Bob Vaningan
- 6. Food for Fifty, by Mary Molt
- 7. Opportunities in Summer Camp Careers, by Blythe Camenson
Recipes – Visit our partners Christian Chefs International for over 100 recipes for all different categories. https://www.christianchefs.org/recipes.html
Culinary Charts – Visit our partners Christian Chefs International for several Culinary Charts good for your ministry & home. https://www.christianchefs.org/charts/
- Chef on Call: Ever wish you could call a Chef at a moments notice when you had a question or needed a recipe. Well now you can. The following Chef’s have agreed to be listed for you to call. You can leave a message or e-mail and they will return your message as soon as possible. Call us at 407-504-2247, or e-mail [email protected].
Local and State chapters: Find one in your area.
If you don’t have one in your area, consider starting one. We can come along side you and help you through the process and you will be amazed how easy it is and how blessed you will be for doing it. Contact Jenee White at [email protected]
- Alabama: Contact Mary Lou Herald, Whitesburg Baptist Church, [email protected]
- Florida: Contact Randy Parsons, First United Methodist Winter Park, [email protected]
- Georgia: Savannah: Contact Stephanie Casterlin, Compassion Christian Church, [email protected]
- Georgia: Atlanta: Contact Andrew Savasuk, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, [email protected]
- North Carolina: Contact Micheal Brunton, 407-932-3622, [email protected]
- Tennessee: Knoxville: Contact Herman Weaver, First Baptist Knoxville, [email protected]
- Tennessee: Nashville: Contact Angie Poore, First Baptist Church Nashville, angie.poore
@nashvillefirst.org - Texas: Houston: Contact Damen Sistrunk, Houston’s First Baptist, [email protected]
- Texas: Dallas: Contact Michael Oney, Prestonwood Baptist Church, [email protected]
- Virginia: Contact Brian Shaffer at Liberty Baptist Church, [email protected]
- Ohio: Contact Todd Smith at Ginghamsburg Church, [email protected]